- CEMRACS 1996 (Y. Maday, F. Coquel)
Coupled Problems - CEMRACS 1997 (Y. Maday, F. Coquel)
Shape Optimization - CEMRACS 1998 (Y. Maday, F. Coquel)
Error Estimates and Adaptativity, Wavelets for Scientific Computing, Domain Decomposition Methods and Parallel Computing, Oriented Objects Languages for Scientific Computing - CEMRACS 1999 (F. Coquel, S. Cordier)
Numerical Approximation of Complex Flows, from the Kinetic Description to the Hydrodynamic Limit - CEMRACS 2000 (R. Abgrall)
Environmental Problems: Combustion, Stocking Nuclear Waste - CEMRACS 2001 (Y. Achdou, C. Le Bris, F. Nataf)
Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Multiscale Problems - CEMRACS 2002 (A. Cohen, P.L. Combettes)
Mathematical Methods in Image Processing - CEMRACS 2003 (S. Cordier, T. Goudon, M. Gutnic, E. Sonnendrücker)
Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic and Kinetic Problems - CEMRACS 2004 (E. Cancès, J.-F. Gerbeau)
Mathematics and Applications in Biology and Medicine - CEMRACS 2005 (C.-D. Munz, E. Sonnendrücker, C. Brun, D. Juvé, M. Manhart)
Computational Aeroacoustics and CFD in Turbulent Flows - CEMRACS 2006 (G. Bal, J. Garnier, D. Lucor)
Random Modelling and Uncertainty Management - CEMRACS 2007 (P. Frey, C. Dobrzynski, P. Pébay)
Pre and Post Processing in Scientific Computing - CEMRACS 2008 (B. Maury, C. Misbah, J.-B. Apoung-Kamga, L. Boudin, M. Ismaïl, S. Martin , T. Takahashi)
Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Complex Fluids - CEMRACS 2009 (V. Calvez, M.-A.Dronne, T. Dumont, V. Louvet, P. Vigneaux).
Mathematical Modelling of Medecine - CEMRACS 2010 (N. Crouseille, H. Guillard, B. NKonga, E. Sonnendrucker).
Numerical Modelling of Fusion - CEMRACS 2011 (F. Coquel, M. Gutnic, P. Helluy, F. Lagoutière, C. Rohde, N. Seguin)
Multiscale Coupling of Complex Models - CEMRACS 2012 (S. Descombes, B. Dussoubs, S.Faure, L Gouarin, V. Louvet, M. Massot, V. Miele)
Numerical Methods and Algorithms for High Performance Computing - CEMRACS 2013 (N. Champagnat, T. Lelièvre, A. Nouy)
Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems – Stochastic and Deterministic Approaches - CEMRACS 2014 (M. Campos-Pinto, F. Charles, H. Guillard, B. Nkonga)
Numerical Modeling of Plasmas - CEMRACS 2015 (E. Frenod, E. Maitre, A. Rousseau, S. Salmon, M. Szopos)
Coupling Multi-Physics Models Involving Fluids - CEMRACS 2016 (L. Grigori, C. Japhet, P. Moireau, P. Parnaudeau)
Numerical Challenges in Parallel Scientific Computing - CEMRACS 2017 (B. Bouchard, J.J. Chassagneux, F. delarue, E. Gobet, J. Lelong)
Numerical Methods for Stochastic Models: Control, Uncertainty Quantification, Mean-field - CEMRACS 2018 (V. Calvez, C. Grandmont, E. Löcherbach, C. Poignard, M. Ribot, N. Vauchelet)
Numerical and Mathematical Modeling for Biological and Medical Applications: Deterministic, Probabilistic and Statistical Descriptions - CEMRACS 2019 (A. Duran, B. Fabrèges, P. Lafitte, F. Lagoutière, F. Marche, F. Rousset)
Geophysical Fluids and Gravity Flows
25. CEMRACS 2020 (E. Franck, H. Hivert, G. Latu, L. Navoret, B. Maury, M. Mehrenberger, S. Merino-Aceituno
Models and Numerical Methods for Particle and Population Dynamics – Cancelled due to the COVID 19
26. CEMRACS 21 (V. Ehrlacher, D. Lombardi, O. Mula, F. Nobile, T. Taddei)
Data Assimilation and Model Reduction in High Dimensional Problems